Tuesday, 20 January 2015

2e) Nutrition

Flowering Plants 

Plants use the sun's energy to make food through the process of photosynthesis 
Word and symbols equations:
Carbon Dioxide and Water ----------> Glucose and Oxygen 
       6CO2                 6H2O                   C6H12O6        6O

The rate of photosynthesis
If the light intensity is increased the rate of photosynthesis will increase steadily, but only to a certain point

Even if there is plenty of light, a plant can't photosynthesise if there is insufficient CO2

too cold = decrease
too hot = enzymes denature

Leaf structure


  • Broad ~ large surface area and exposed to light
  • most chloroplasts found in palisade layer ~ near the top to absorb the sunlight 
  • upper epidermis ~ transparent: light can pass through 
  • vascular bundles (xylem and phloem) ~ deliever water and minerals, and other nutrients and take away the glucose (also support the leaf structure) 
  • waxy cuticle ~ reduces water loss 
  • stoma(ta) ~ CO2 diffuses directly into the leaf 
Minerals for healthy plant growth:
Nitrates ~ nitrogen makes amino acids and proteins cell growth 
Potassium ~ help the enzymes needed for photosynthesis and respiration 
Phospates ~ make DNA and cell membranes and respiration + growth 
Magnesium ~ makes chlorophyll which makes the leaf green

Testing for starch in leaves:

  1. boil the leaf for 2 mins 
  2. put ethanol ~ makes it colourless 
  3. put on white tile and add iodine solution

Oxygen Production:
  • Shows rate of photosynthesis 
  1. white light placed at a specific distance from the pondweed 
  2. leave to photosynthesise for a set amount of time collect oxygen in capillary tube 
  3. syringe used to draw the gas bubbles in tube 
    • measure length of gas bubbles 
    • proportional to volume of O2 produced 
  4. experiment repeated with light source placed at different distances from pondweed 


| Nutrient                | Found in                       | Function(s)                                 |
| Carbohydrates           | pasta, rice, sugar, jam        | starch ~ provide energy for brain and body  |
|                         |                                | sugar ~ convert glucose easily              |
| Protein                 | meat, fish, beans              | needed for growth and repair of tissue      |
|                         |                                | energy in emergencies                       |
| Lipids/ Fats            | butter, cream, oily fish, nuts | provide energy                              |
|                         |                                | energy store and insulation                 |
|                         |                                | prevents deficiency of certain fats         |
| Vitamin      A          | liver                          | improve vision and makes skin/hair healthy  |
|              C          | oranges                        | prevents scurvy                             |
|              D          | eggs and fish                  | calcium absorption ~ bones and teeth        |
| Mineral   Iron          | red meat                       | haemoglobin ~ healthy blood                 |
| Mineral   Calcium       | milk, cheese                   | makes bones and teeth                       |
| Water                   | food and drink                 | flushes away toxins and carries nutrients   |
| Dietary fibre           | wholemeal foods, fruit & veg   | aids the movement of foods through the gut  |
|                         |                                | prevents diabetes, cancer and heart disease |

Energy requirements:
Activity level ~ active people need more energy 
Age ~ children and teenagers more energy than older people 
Pregnancy ~ energy: pregnant women > other women, this is because they need energy for the baby to develop

The Alimentary Canal 

The human digestive system, from the salivary glands at the back of the throat, through the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small intestine large intestine, appendix, rectum and anus.

Mouth and Salivary Glands ~ produces amalase to dissolve food and teeth break down food 
Oesophagus ~ muscular tube passes food to stomach 
Liver ~ stores glucose as glycogen and produces bile 
Gall Bladder ~ stores bile: breaks down fats 
Stomach ~ muscular organ where digestion continues. Contains HCl which kills bacteria 
Pancreas ~ produces protease, amylase and lipase enzyme and releases to small intestine 
Small intestine ~ absorption of nutrients
Large intestine ~ absorption of water 
Rectum and anus ~ egestion 


The Digestive Process:
  1. Ingestion: putting food into your mouth 
  2. Digestion: break down of large, insoluble molecules into small molecules 
    • mechanical: teeth and stomach muscles and chemical; enzymes and bile
      3. Absorption: moving molecules through the walls of intestines. Small ------> nutrients 
          Large -----> H2O 
  •   Villi helps with the absorption:
    • big surface area 
    • microvilli
    • single permeable layer 
    • good blood supply 
      4. Assimilation: digested molecules are moved into body cells and become part of cells 
      5. Egestion: getting rid of faeces 

Enzymes and digestion:

enzymereaction catalysed
amylasestarch    →    sugars
proteaseproteins    →    amino acids
lipaselipids    →    fatty acids + glycerol

enzymewhere produced
amylasesalivary glands, pancreas, small intestine
proteasestomach, pancreas, small intestine
lipasepancreas, small intestine

HCl is too acidic, bile neutralises it and makes conditions alkaline 
enzymes work best in alkaline 
also emulsifies fats ------> bigger surface 

Energy in joules:
= Mass of Water x Temp. change of water x 4.2 

Energy in joules per gram:
= Energy of food (j)/ Mass of food (g) 

Notes in bold italics are for paper two only 

1 comment:

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