Wednesday, 28 January 2015

2j) Co-ordination and Response

Flowering Plants 

Tropism- growth in response to a stimulus e.g. water and light 

| Response       | Part of plant  | Direction           | Advantage                        |
| + phototropism | stem tip       | towards light       | maximise the amount of light     |
| - phototropism | root tip       | away from the light | less chance of drying out        |
| + geotropism   | root tip       | towards gravity     | more chance of finding moisture  |
| - geotropism   | stem tip       | away from gravity   | more chance of finding light     |
| hydrotropism   | root tip       | towards water       |                                  |

Auxin- plant hormone produces in shoot tips which controls the direction of growth in response to light


homeostatis ----> detection of a change in the body 
normal body temperature ----> 37C

Stimulus ----> Response ----> turn back to normal 

Receptors detect stimuli (sense organs) 
Effectors bring about a response to the stimuli 

Central Nervous System
  • brain 
  • spinal cord 
  • send electrical impulses to effector along motor neurone after receptor detects a stimulus 
  • coordinate the response
Reflex Arc
  • control reactions in humans
  • makes a fast automatic response possible 
  • body releases the hormone adrenaline automatically 
| Stimulus  | Receptor  | Sensory neurone | Relay neurone | Motor neurone  | Effector  | Response |

Sensory and motor neurone:

The Eye: 

Different types of hormones;

Name of gland Hormone What does it do?
Pituitary ADH water regulation
Pancreas insulin low blood pressure
glycogen high blood pressure
Adrenal body adrenaline physical activity
Ovaries oestrogen development of female secondary
progesterone regulates the menstrual cycle
Testes testosterone development of male secondary characterists

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